
We focus our services and areas of strength on comprehensive work to expedite the growth and profitability of the businesses of our partners and clients..

To obtain products of the highest quality that provide unmatched results, we bring together all our capabilities and the superior competencies of each department to meet each project, from simplifying quote times to personalized support in each maquila.


We focus our services and areas of strength on comprehensive work to expedite the growth and profitability of the businesses of our partners and clients..

To obtain products of the highest quality that provide unmatched results, we bring together all our capabilities and the superior competencies of each department to meet each project, from simplifying quote times to personalized support in each maquila.


    • Our team of experts develop formulas based on the ingredients and components necessary for each product and the functions they must perform, this is largely due to the customization of the formulas. There are different types of presentations such as tablets, liquids, gels and powders.


    • Our team of experts develop formulas based on the ingredients and components necessary for each product and the functions they must perform, this is largely due to the customization of the formulas. There are different types of presentations such as tablets, liquids, gels and powders.

Design & Image

    • This department develops the image of the product, finds the appropriate packaging for each of them according to their functions or components, and their design is worked on in such a way that it visually highlights all these properties.
    • The image of each product is personalized to project the components of the product and enhance its visual distinction on labels, containers and packaging.


    • What allows us to be present in Mexico, the United States, Central and South America is our team responsible for regulation and standards.
    • Each country has its own regulations to be able to commercialize any product, our regulatory department investigates them for international presence, adequate commercialization and new ways of selling products.
    • Certification in production and documented processes


    • We use innovation in all our processes to create innovative products.
    • Our qualified staff searches for components, materials and active principles to obtain innovative products, profitable investments and competitiveness in the market.


Design & Image

    • This department develops the image of the product, finds the appropriate packaging for each of them according to their functions or components, and their design is worked on in such a way that it visually highlights all these properties.
    • The image of each product is personalized to project the components of the product and enhance its visual distinction on labels, containers and packaging.


    • What allows us to be present in Mexico, the United States, Central and South America is our team responsible for regulation and standards.
    • Each country has its own regulations to be able to commercialize any product, our regulatory department investigates them for international presence, adequate commercialization and new ways of selling products.
    • Certification in production and documented processes


    • We use innovation in all our processes to create innovative products.
    • Our qualified staff searches for components, materials and active principles to obtain innovative products, profitable investments and competitiveness in the market.


¿Ready to create your business? let's build it together


7 + 1 =

¿Ready to create your business? let's build it together


1 + 14 =

Contact: +52-55-90-05-92-43

Dirección: Blvd. Toluca 16 San Francisco Cuautlalpan, 53569 Nuacalpan de Júarez, Méx. 

Contact: +52-55-90-05-92-43

Dirección: Blvd. Toluca 16 San Francisco Cuautlalpan, 53569 Nuacalpan de Júarez, Méx.